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Donate to Safe Water Projects

Provide safe access to water and sanitation around the globe

이 기부 기회 정보

According to the United Nations, over the past two decades, the planet's combined supplies of surface water, ground water and water found in soil, snow and ice have declined by 0.4 inches. Mexico, India and the US are three examples of countries recently experiencing a rapid depletion of groundwater and Europe’s ‘new normal’ is climate-driven drought. Adding to this crisis, globally, more than 2 billion people live without access to safe water, more than 4 billion people live without safe sanitation, and 3 billion people live without access to basic hand-washing at home. This water crisis is unacceptable. Nevertheless, change is happening. At Kohler, we’re taking action to conserve this natural resource and make safe water and sanitation a reality.

Our flagship initiative, Safe Water for All, leverages Kohler’s strength and expertise, as well as the passion and talent of our associates to help underserved populations around the world in four focus areas: Water Stewardship, Products, Impact Projects, and Advocacy. In 2021 alone, we impacted more than 305,000 lives around the world through Safe Water for All and have impacted more than 1.8 million lives since 2014.

As a part of this initiative, we partner with humanitarian organizations such as DigDeepWater Mission, and Alliance For Water Efficiency NFP to develop and fund customized solutions that meet the unique needs of communities around the globe.

Together, we can make safe water for all a reality.

매칭 제안
이 기부 기회의 단쳬


Chicago, Illinois, 60602, United States

Water Mission

North Charleston, South Carolina, 29405, United States


Los Angeles, California, 90021, United States

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