While most Americans take their high-quality drinking water and wastewater services for granted, 2.2 million of the most vulnerable people in the country (low-income people in
rural areas, people of color, tribal communities, and immigrants) lack access to water and
sanitation. We call this the Water Access Gap.
We believe that by working together, every American family can achieve equitable access to water and sanitation in our lifetimes, and that by learning to better ... 자세히 알아보기
While most Americans take their high-quality drinking water and wastewater services for granted, 2.2 million of the most vulnerable people in the country (low-income people in
rural areas, people of color, tribal communities, and immigrants) lack access to water and
sanitation. We call this the Water Access Gap.
We believe that by working together, every American family can achieve equitable access to water and sanitation in our lifetimes, and that by learning to better care for our water
resources, we can make them last for future generations.
DigDeep takes a holistic, systems-change approach to closing the Water Access Gap through our Impact Model:
1. Advance Community-Led Solutions by deploying proven WaSH strategies to ensure that every American has clean, running water and sanitation forever.
2. Develop an Evidence Base by collecting, sharing and leveraging domestic WaSH data to inform our progress toward universal access.
3. Empower American People to solve this problem in their lifetimes by investing in experiential storytelling that brings the issue to life.
4. Build an Ecosystem of Change by facilitating high-impact collaboration to lead a diverse, sustainable movement.
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