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Alamo Family Fund


The Alamo Drafthouse Cinema is an American cinema chain founded in 1997 in Austin, Texas that is famous for serving dinner and drinks during the movie, as well as its strict policy of requiring its audiences to maintain proper cinema-going etiquette.

Founders Tim and Karrie League envisioned Alamo Drafthouse Cinema as a neighborhood theater that functioned not merely as a gathering place but as a member of the community.

That’s why they created Alamo Gives, a charitable giving program that ensures Alamo Drafthouse does everything it can to give back and support causes important to our employees and audiences alike. From our charitable contributions to our employee engagement and giving programs, Alamo Gives is built around one simple motto: Watch movies. Do good.

Các khoản quyên góp hoạt động ra sao
Nhấp vào nút "Quyên góp ngay" bất kỳ rồi quyết định số tiền quyên góp của bạn. Sau đó, bạn sẽ được chuyển tiếp đến đơn vị xử lý khoản thanh toán mà bạn lựa chọn. Sau khi được xử lý, khoản quyên góp của bạn sẽ được gửi đến tổ chức từ thiện mà bạn chọn.

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